Today's Menu  Portugal
journal and plan nutrition
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Z5LocalDataController Class Reference

#import <Z5LocalDataController.h>

Inheritance diagram for Z5LocalDataController:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Z5LocalDataController:
Collaboration graph

Instance Methods

(void) - saveContext
(EmailMessage *) - findOrCreateEmailMessageWithFileIdentification:
(Boolean) - deleteEmailMessageWithFileIdentification:
(NSArray *) - retrieveAllEmailMessages
(MenuItem *) - findOrCreateMenuItemWithRandomkey:
(MenuItem *) - findOrCreateMenuItemWithFileIdentification:
(MenuItem *) - findNextMenuItemForGallery:afterPosition:
(NSArray< Meal * > *) - findMealsWithDate:
(NSArray< Meal * > *) - findMealsThisMonthDate:
(NSArray< Meal * > *) - findOrCreateMealWithDate:
(void) - eraseMealsThisMonthDate:
(void) - initializeTodaysMeal
(void) - clearTodaysMenuItems
(void) - todaysMealRequested:
(void) - todaysMealConsumed:forDelegate:
(NSArray< Meal * > *) - retrieveAllMeals:
(void) - todaysMealRated:
(void) - todaysMealSkipped
(NSDate *) - toLocalTime:
(NSDictionary *) - jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem:
(NSMutableDictionary *) - mergeJsonForUsdaNumbers:inMenuItem:inContext:
(NSArray< HKQuantityType * > *) - typesForWriting
(NSArray< HKQuantityType * > *) - allHkTypes
(void) - setUseHealthKit:
(void) - setupHealthKit
(void) - getAddedAuthorizationToShare:forDelegate:
(NSSet *) - dataTypesToWrite
(NSNumber *) - checkTypeAuthorization:
(NSNumber *) - askAgain:
(NSMutableArray *) - establishNutritionParameters
(Boolean) - goHealthData:forDelegate:
(void) - saveQuantityToHealthStore:amount:
(NSMutableArray *) - annotateAuthority:
(void) - putCredentialsInUserDefaults
(void) - fetchCredentialsFromUserDefaults
(NSArray< NSDictionary * > *) - todaysMenuComponents
(NSArray< NSDictionary * > *) - mealComponents:
(void) - putTodaysMenuInUserDefaults
(void) - getHealthKitAuthorityFromUserDefaults
(void) - putMenuItemOnToday:
(void) - initNutritionTypes
(NSMutableArray *) - createTodaysMenuFromUserDefaults
(NSArray< MenuItem * > *) - retrieveAllMenuItems:
(NSInteger) - getPrevGalleryPositionIdx
(NSInteger) - getNextGalleryPositionIdx
(void) - initGalleryPositionsRange:
(void) - logGallery:caption:
(void) - logTodaysMenu:
(id) - init [implementation]
(Boolean) - removeMealWithRandomkey: [implementation]
(void) - removeTodaysMealFromDatabase [implementation]
(MenuItem *) - findMenuItemWithRandomkey: [implementation]
(MenuItem *) - findMenuItemWithFileIdentification: [implementation]
(void) - removeMenuItemWithKey:fromTree: [implementation]
(NSString *) - unitsForParameter: [implementation]
(void) - validateHealthKitAuthority [implementation]
(void) - putHealthKitAuthorityInUserDefaults [implementation]
(void) - tryHealthStore: [implementation]
(EmailMessage *) - findEmailMessageWithFileIdentification: [implementation]
(BOOL) - fetchEmails [implementation]
(void) - examineDbMenuItems [implementation]
(void) - logEmailMessageAndMenuItemList [implementation]
(int) - getBestAvailableUserDefaultMethod [implementation]
(NSURL *) - applicationDocumentsDirectory [implementation]

Class Methods

(NSString *) + componentNameKey
(NSString *) + componentValueKey
(NSString *) + componentSampleKey
(NSString *) + componentAuthorityKey
(NSString *) + componentAuthorityDateKey
(NSString *) + componentHKComponentKey
(UIColor *) + panelBackgroundColor
(UIColor *) + menuHeaderBackground
(UIColor *) + menuContentsBackground
(UIColor *) + wheatBackground
(UIColor *) + colorForAuthority:
(NSString *) + captionForAuthority:
(HKQuantity *) + hkQuantityForString:


NSManagedObjectContext * managedObjectContext
NSManagedObjectModel * managedObjectModel
NSPersistentStoreCoordinator * persistentStoreCoordinator
NSNumber * usingHealthKit
HKHealthStore * healthStore
NSMutableArray * availableNutritionParamArray
NSArray< HKQuantityTypeIdentifier > * hkQuantityTypes
NSMutableArray< MenuItem * > * todaysMenuItems

Detailed Description

Definition at line 22 of file Z5LocalDataController.h.

Method Documentation

◆ allHkTypes()

- (NSArray< HKQuantityType * > *) allHkTypes

Definition at line 950 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

951 {
952  NSMutableArray<HKQuantityType *> *returHkArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
954  for (NSString *param in [self establishNutritionParameters]) {
955  HKQuantityType *hkQtype = [HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:param];
956  [returHkArray addObject:hkQtype];
957  }
958  return returHkArray;
959 }
NSMutableArray * establishNutritionParameters()

◆ annotateAuthority:()

- (NSMutableArray< NSMutableDictionary * > *) annotateAuthority: (NSArray *)  componentArray

Definition at line 1062 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1062  :(NSArray *)componentArray
1063 {
1064 // // log authority-dictionary information
1065 // [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id object, BOOL *stop) {
1066 // NSString *keyString = (NSString *)key;
1067 // NSNumber *objectNumber = (NSNumber *)object;
1068 // Boolean objBoolean = [objectNumber boolValue];
1069 // if (objBoolean) {
1070 // NSLog(@"LocalData.annotateAuthority: key: %@ Authorized", keyString);
1071 // } else {
1072 // NSLog(@"LocalData.annotateAuthority: key: %@ Denied", keyString);
1073 // }
1074 // }];
1075 // // END -- log authority-dictionary information
1078  NSMutableArray *ret = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
1080  for (NSDictionary *component in componentArray) {
1081  NSString *componentType = [component objectForKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentNameKey]];
1082  if (componentType) {
1083  NSString *fullyQualifiedCompoName = [@"HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietary" stringByAppendingString:componentType];
1084  HKQuantityType *rowQuantityType = [HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:fullyQualifiedCompoName];
1086  // get new authority info
1087  NSNumber *shareOK = [self checkTypeAuthorization:rowQuantityType];
1088  NSMutableDictionary *withAuthMarkDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:component];
1089  [withAuthMarkDict setValue:shareOK forKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentAuthorityKey]];
1091  NSDate *authorityDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0]; // TODO
1093  [withAuthMarkDict setValue:authorityDate forKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentAuthorityDateKey]];
1095  [ret addObject:withAuthMarkDict];
1096  }
1097  }
1098  return ret;
1099 }

◆ applicationDocumentsDirectory()

- (NSURL *) applicationDocumentsDirectory

Returns the URL to the application's Documents directory.

Definition at line 1670 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1671 {
1672  return [[[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] lastObject];
1673 }

◆ askAgain:()

- (NSNumber *) askAgain: (HKQuantityType *)  quantityType

Definition at line 887 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

887  : (HKQuantityType *) quantityType
888 {
889  __block NSNumber *statusFlag = [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO];
890  NSSet *writeDataTypes = [NSSet setWithObjects:quantityType, nil];
891  NSSet *readDataTypes = [[NSSet alloc] init];
892  [self.healthStore requestAuthorizationToShareTypes:writeDataTypes readTypes:readDataTypes completion:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
893  if (!success) {
894  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.askAgain: The error was: %@", error);
895  return;
896  } else {
897  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.askAgain: authorization success");
898  statusFlag = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES];
899  }
901  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
902  [self->healthConnectDelegate updateToAuthorizationOK];
903  // Update the user interface based on the current user's health information.
904  // this is inside a completion handler
905  /* [self updateUsersAgeLabel];
906  [self updateUsersHeightLabel];
907  [self updateUsersWeightLabel]; */
908  });
909  }];
910  return statusFlag;
911 }

◆ captionForAuthority:()

+ (NSString *) captionForAuthority: (NSNumber *)  authorityValue

Definition at line 127 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

127  : (NSNumber *) authorityValue
128 {
129  NSString *ret;
130  // Z5LocalDataController *localData = [[Z5DataController sharedInstance] localDataController];
131  switch ([authorityValue integerValue]) {
132  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingAuthorized:
133  // NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.colorForAuthority: HKAuthorizationStatusSharingAuthorized");
134  ret = @"sharing authorized";
135  break;
136  case HKAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined:
137  // NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.colorForAuthority: HKAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined");
138  ret = @"status not determined";
139  break;
140  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied:
141  // NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.colorForAuthority: HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied");
142  ret = @"Sharing denied";
143  break;
144  case HKErrorAuthorizationDenied:
145  // NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.colorForAuthority: HKErrorAuthorizationDenied");
146  ret = @"authorization denied";
147  break;
148  case HKErrorAuthorizationNotDetermined:
149  // NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.colorForAuthority: HKErrorAuthorizationNotDetermined");
150  ret = @"authorization not determined";
151  break;
152  }
153  return ret;
154 }

◆ checkTypeAuthorization:()

- (NSNumber *) checkTypeAuthorization: (HKQuantityType *)  quantityType

I would like to know when the authorization was originalley set/changed Where do I get previous authority - pipeline from user-defulats

Definition at line 1013 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1013  : (HKQuantityType *) quantityType
1014 {
1015  bool doDebug = NO;
1017  NSString *hkQtypeString = quantityType.description;
1018  // NSNumber *knownAuthStatus = [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict objectForKey:hkQtypeString];
1019  NSMutableDictionary *knownAuthStatusDict = [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict objectForKey:hkQtypeString];
1020  NSNumber *knownAuthStatus = [knownAuthStatusDict objectForKey:@"value"];
1021  NSDate *knownAuthStatusDate = [knownAuthStatusDict objectForKey:@"date"];
1022  if (doDebug) NSLog(@"LocalData.checkTypeAuthorization: knownAuthStatus: for %@: %@", hkQtypeString, knownAuthStatus);
1023 // NSLog(@"LocalData.checkTypeAuthorization: healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict: %@", healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict);
1024  NSInteger knownAuthStatusInt = [knownAuthStatus integerValue];
1025  if (doDebug) NSLog(@"LocalData.checkTypeAuthorization: type: %@:previous auth: %ld, date: %@", hkQtypeString, (long)[knownAuthStatus integerValue], [knownAuthStatusDate description]);
1028  NSInteger authStatus = [self.healthStore authorizationStatusForType:quantityType];
1030  if (authStatus != knownAuthStatusInt) {
1031  if (doDebug) NSLog(@"LocalData.checkTypeAuthorization: AUTH CHANGE: was %ld now %ld", (long)knownAuthStatusInt, (long)authStatus);
1032  }
1033  switch (authStatus) {
1034  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingAuthorized:
1035  if (doDebug) NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.checkTypeAuthorization: %@ HKAuthorizationStatusSharingAuthorized", [quantityType description]);
1036  break;
1037  case HKAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined:
1038  if (doDebug) NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.checkTypeAuthorization: %@ HKAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined", [quantityType description]);
1039  break;
1040  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied:
1041  if (doDebug) NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.checkTypeAuthorization: %@ HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied", [quantityType description]);
1042  break;
1043  case HKErrorAuthorizationDenied:
1044  if (doDebug) NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.checkTypeAuthorization: %@ HKErrorAuthorizationDenied", [quantityType description]);
1045  break;
1046  case HKErrorAuthorizationNotDetermined:
1047  if (doDebug) NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.checkTypeAuthorization: %@ HKErrorAuthorizationNotDetermined", [quantityType description]);
1048  break;
1049  }
1050  NSNumber *ret = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:authStatus];
1051  return ret;
1052 }

◆ clearTodaysMenuItems()

- (void) clearTodaysMenuItems

Definition at line 1416 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1417 {
1418  NSLog(@"Z5LocalData.clearTodaysMenuItems");
1419  [_todaysMenuItems removeAllObjects];
1420 }

◆ colorForAuthority:()

+ (UIColor *) colorForAuthority: (NSNumber *)  authorityValue

Definition at line 104 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

104  : (NSNumber *) authorityValue
105 {
106  UIColor *ret;
108  switch ([authorityValue integerValue]) {
109  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingAuthorized:
110  ret = [z5Data healthKitParamSharedColor];
111  break;
112  case HKAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined:
113  ret = [z5Data healthKitParamNotQueried];
114  break;
115  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied:
116  ret = [z5Data healthKitParamDeniedAuthColor];
117  break;
118  case HKErrorAuthorizationDenied:
119  ret = [z5Data healthKitParamDeniedAuthColor];
120  break;
121  case HKErrorAuthorizationNotDetermined:
122  ret = [z5Data healthKitParamNotQueried];
123  break;
124  }
125  return ret;
126 }
UIColor * healthKitParamSharedColor
instancetype sharedInstance()
UIColor * healthKitParamNotQueried
Singleton interface to both core and remote data sources.
UIColor * healthKitParamDeniedAuthColor

◆ componentAuthorityDateKey()

+ (NSString *) componentAuthorityDateKey

Definition at line 80 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

81 {
83 }

◆ componentAuthorityKey()

+ (NSString *) componentAuthorityKey

Definition at line 76 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

77 {
78  return componentAuthorityKey;
79 }

◆ componentHKComponentKey()

+ (NSString *) componentHKComponentKey

Definition at line 84 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

85 {
87 }

◆ componentNameKey()

+ (NSString *) componentNameKey

Definition at line 64 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

65 {
66  return componentNameKey;
67 }

◆ componentSampleKey()

+ (NSString *) componentSampleKey

Definition at line 72 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

73 {
74  return componentSampleKey;
75 }

◆ componentValueKey()

+ (NSString *) componentValueKey

Definition at line 68 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

69 {
70  return componentValueKey;
71 }

◆ createTodaysMenuFromUserDefaults()

- (NSMutableArray *) createTodaysMenuFromUserDefaults

this method reads the array at the proposed-menu-item-list key in the user-defaults, it can initialize a mutable global array todays-menu-items, and fills that with what it finds in user defaults. The user-defaults array at the proposed-menu-item-list key is a series of randomkeys, these are then bounced against the database to find the menu item, and the menu-item is installed in the array todays-menu-items.

Definition at line 1539 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1540 {
1541  NSUserDefaults *udef = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
1542  NSArray *proposedMenuItemArray = [udef arrayForKey:proposedMenuItemList];
1544  if (!_todaysMenuItems) {
1545  _todaysMenuItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
1546  }
1548  if (proposedMenuItemArray) {
1549  // NSLog(@"LocalData.createTodaysMenuFromUserDefaults: %@: %@", proposedMenuItemList, proposedMenuItemArray);
1550  // ret = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
1551  for (NSString *menuItemRandomkey in proposedMenuItemArray) {
1552  MenuItem *dbMenuItem = [self findMenuItemWithRandomkey:menuItemRandomkey];
1553  [_todaysMenuItems addObject:dbMenuItem];
1554  // NSLog(@"LocalData.createTodaysMenuFromUserDefaults: adding %@",;
1555  }
1556  }
1558  NSMutableArray *ret = nil;
1559  return ret;
1561 }

◆ dataTypesToWrite()

- (NSSet *) dataTypesToWrite

Definition at line 916 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

916  {
918  __block NSMutableSet *retSet = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
920  [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id object, BOOL *stop) {
921  NSString *keyString = (NSString *)key;
922  NSNumber *objectNumber = (NSNumber *)object;
923  Boolean objBoolean = [objectNumber boolValue];
924  if (objBoolean) {
925  HKQuantityType *keyHkQtype = [HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:keyString];
926  [retSet addObject:keyHkQtype];
927  }
928  }];
929  // empty sets to check-authorization crashes app
930  if (0 == [retSet count]) {
931  HKQuantityType *sodiumType = [HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySodium];
932  [retSet addObject:sodiumType];
933  }
934  return retSet;
935 }

◆ deleteEmailMessageWithFileIdentification:()

- (Boolean) deleteEmailMessageWithFileIdentification: (NSString *)  googlefileid

Definition at line 1351 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1351  :(NSString *)googlefileid
1352 {
1354  context:[self managedObjectContext]];
1355 }
Boolean deleteEmailMessageWithFileIdentification:context:(NSString *googlefileid, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ eraseMealsThisMonthDate:()

- (void) eraseMealsThisMonthDate: (NSDate *)  findDate

Definition at line 358 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

358  : (NSDate *)findDate
359 {
360  [Meal deleteMealsByMonth:findDate context:[self managedObjectContext]];
361 }
void deleteMealsByMonth:context:(NSDate *nowdate, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ establishNutritionParameters()

- (NSMutableArray< NSString * > *) establishNutritionParameters

Definition at line 960 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

961 {
962  NSMutableArray<NSString *> *availableNutritionParamArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
964  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySodium];
965  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryBiotin];
966  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCaffeine];
967  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCalcium];
968  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCarbohydrates];
969  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryChloride];
970  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCholesterol];
971  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryChromium];
972  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCopper];
973  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryEnergyConsumed];
974  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatMonounsaturated];
975  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatPolyunsaturated];
976  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatSaturated];
977  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatTotal];
978  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFiber];
979  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFolate];
980  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryIodine];
981  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryIron];
982  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryMagnesium];
983  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryManganese];
984  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryMolybdenum];
985  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryNiacin];
986  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPantothenicAcid];
987  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPhosphorus];
988  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPotassium];
989  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryProtein];
990  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryRiboflavin];
991  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySelenium];
992  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySugar];
993  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryThiamin];
994  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminA];
995  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminB12];
996  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminB6];
997  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminC];
998  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminD];
999  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminE];
1000  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminK];
1001  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryWater];
1002  [availableNutritionParamArray addObject:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryZinc];
1005 }
NSMutableArray * availableNutritionParamArray

◆ examineDbMenuItems()

- (void) examineDbMenuItems

Definition at line 1377 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1378 {
1379  NSNumber *galleryChoice = [NSNumber numberWithInt:1];
1380  NSArray *objects = [self retrieveAllMenuItems:galleryChoice];
1381  for (NSManagedObject *menuItem in objects) {
1382  MenuItem *dbMenuItem = (MenuItem *)menuItem;
1383  NSLog(@"RemoteData.fillMenuItemList: menuItem into list: %@", [dbMenuItem name]);
1384  }
1385 }
MenuItem * menuItem

◆ fetchCredentialsFromUserDefaults()

- (void) fetchCredentialsFromUserDefaults

Definition at line 1267 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1268 {
1269  // NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
1271 // [[Z5DataController sharedInstance] remoteDataController].emailDataController.username = [userDefaults stringForKey:@"username"];
1272 // [[Z5DataController sharedInstance] remoteDataController].emailDataController.password = [userDefaults stringForKey:@"password"];
1274 }

◆ fetchEmails()

- (BOOL) fetchEmails

Definition at line 1356 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1356  {
1357  NSManagedObjectContext *context = [self managedObjectContext];
1358  NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
1359  // Configure the request's entity, and optionally its predicate.
1360  NSSortDescriptor *sortDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"date" ascending:YES];
1361  NSArray *sortDescriptors = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:sortDescriptor, nil];
1362  [fetchRequest setSortDescriptors:sortDescriptors];
1364  NSFetchedResultsController *controller = [[NSFetchedResultsController alloc]
1365  initWithFetchRequest:fetchRequest
1366  managedObjectContext:context
1367  sectionNameKeyPath:nil
1368  cacheName:@"TodaysMenu"];
1369  NSError *error;
1370  BOOL success = [controller performFetch:&error];
1371  return success;
1372 }

◆ findEmailMessageWithFileIdentification:()

- (EmailMessage *) findEmailMessageWithFileIdentification: (NSString *)  googlefileid

Definition at line 1310 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1310  :(NSString *) googlefileid
1311 {
1312  NSArray *msgs = [EmailMessage emailMessageWithFileid:googlefileid
1313  context:[self managedObjectContext]];
1314  EmailMessage *ret;
1315  if (nil == msgs) {
1316  ret = nil;
1317  } else {
1318  ret = [msgs objectAtIndex:0];
1319  }
1320  return ret;
1321 }
NSArray * emailMessageWithFileid:context:(NSString *googlefileid, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ findMealsThisMonthDate:()

- (NSArray< Meal * > *) findMealsThisMonthDate: (NSDate *)  findDate

Definition at line 341 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

341  : (NSDate *)findDate
342 {
343  NSArray<Meal *> *ret = [Meal findMealsByMonth:findDate context:[self managedObjectContext]];
345  return ret;
346 }
NSArray< Meal * > * findMealsByMonth:context:(NSDate *nowdate, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ findMealsWithDate:()

- (NSArray< Meal * > *) findMealsWithDate: (NSDate *)  findDate

Definition at line 335 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

335  : (NSDate *)findDate
336 {
337  NSArray<Meal *> *ret = [Meal findMealsWithDate:findDate context:[self managedObjectContext]];
339  return ret;
340 }
NSArray< Meal * > * findMealsWithDate:context:(NSDate *findDate, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ findMenuItemWithFileIdentification:()

- (MenuItem *) findMenuItemWithFileIdentification: (NSString *)  googlefileid

Definition at line 476 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

476  : (NSString *)googlefileid
477 {
479  context:[self managedObjectContext]];
481  return ret;
482 }
MenuItem * findMenuItemWithFileIdentification:context:(NSString *googlefileid, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ findMenuItemWithRandomkey:()

- (MenuItem *) findMenuItemWithRandomkey: (NSString *)  randomkey

Definition at line 456 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

456  : (NSString *)randomkey
457 {
459  context:[self managedObjectContext]];
461  return ret;
462 }
MenuItem * findMenuItemWithRandomkey:context:(NSString *randomkey, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ findNextMenuItemForGallery:afterPosition:()

- (MenuItem *) findNextMenuItemForGallery: (NSNumber *)  galleryNo
afterPosition: (NSNumber *)  positionInGallery 

Definition at line 516 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

516  : (NSNumber *) galleryNo afterPosition: (NSNumber *) positionInGallery
517 {
518  MenuItem *ret = [MenuItem findNextMenuItemForGallery: (NSNumber *) galleryNo afterPosition: (NSNumber *) positionInGallery context:[self managedObjectContext]];
520  return ret;
521 }
MenuItem * findNextMenuItemForGallery:afterPosition:context:(NSNumber *galleryNo, [afterPosition] NSNumber *positionInGallery, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ findOrCreateEmailMessageWithFileIdentification:()

- (EmailMessage *) findOrCreateEmailMessageWithFileIdentification: (NSString *)  googlefileid

Definition at line 1302 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1302  : (NSString *)googlefileid
1303 {
1304  NSLog(@"LocalData.findEmailMessageWithFileIdentification");
1306  context:[self managedObjectContext]];
1308  return ret;
1309 }
EmailMessage * findOrCreateEmailMessageWithFileIdentification:context:(NSString *googlefileid, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ findOrCreateMealWithDate:()

- (NSArray< Meal * > *) findOrCreateMealWithDate: (NSDate *)  findDate

Definition at line 363 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

363  : (NSDate *)findDate
364 {
365  NSArray<Meal *> *ret = [Meal findOrCreateMealWithDate:findDate context:[self managedObjectContext]];
366  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.findOrCreateMealWithDate: returning %lu meal(s)", (unsigned long)[ret count]);
367  return ret;
368 }
NSArray< Meal * > * findOrCreateMealWithDate:context:(NSDate *findDate, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ findOrCreateMenuItemWithFileIdentification:()

- (MenuItem *) findOrCreateMenuItemWithFileIdentification: (NSString *)  googlefileid

Definition at line 483 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

483  : (NSString *)googlefileid
484 {
485  MenuItem *ret = [MenuItem findOrCreateMenuItemWithFileIdentification: googlefileid context:[self managedObjectContext]];
486  if (!ret.randomkey) {
488  ret.galleryPositionNo = [NSNumber numberWithLong:[self getNextGalleryPositionIdx]];
489  ret.galleryNumber = [NSNumber numberWithLong:1];
490  }
491  return ret;
492 }
NSString * produceRandomkey()
NSNumber * galleryPositionNo
MenuItem * findOrCreateMenuItemWithFileIdentification:context:(NSString *googlefileid, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)
Singleton interface to both core and remote data sources.

◆ findOrCreateMenuItemWithRandomkey:()

- (MenuItem *) findOrCreateMenuItemWithRandomkey: (NSString *)  randomkey

Definition at line 465 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

465  : (NSString *)randomkey
466 {
468  context:[self managedObjectContext]];
469  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.findOrCreateMenuItemWithRandomkey: randomkey: %@ name: %@", randomkey, [ret name]);
471  ret.galleryPositionNo = [NSNumber numberWithLong:[self getNextGalleryPositionIdx]];
472  ret.galleryNumber = [NSNumber numberWithLong:1];
474  return ret;
475 }
NSNumber * galleryPositionNo
MenuItem * findOrCreateMenuItemWithRandomkey:context:(NSString *key, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ getAddedAuthorizationToShare:forDelegate:()

- (void) getAddedAuthorizationToShare: (NSSet *)  writeNutrTypes
forDelegate: (id<Z5HealthConnectionProtocol>)  requestFrom 

Definition at line 676 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

676  : (NSSet *)writeNutrTypes
677  forDelegate: (id<Z5HealthConnectionProtocol>) requestFrom
678 {
679  healthConnectDelegate = requestFrom;
680  [self.healthStore requestAuthorizationToShareTypes:writeNutrTypes
681  readTypes:writeNutrTypes
682  completion:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
683  if (!success) {
684  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.getAddedAuthorizationToWrite: You didn't allow HealthKit to access these read/write data types. In your app, try to handle this error gracefully when a user decides not to provide access. The error was: %@", error);
686  return;
687  } else {
688  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.getAddedAuthorizationToShare: authorization success");
690  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
691  // Update the user interface based on the current user's health information.
692  // with follow two lines: Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <UIViewController
693  // further - i even get unbalanced message without these lines
694  [self validateHealthKitAuthority];
695  [self->healthConnectDelegate updateToAuthorizationOK];
696  });
697  }
698  }];
699  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.getAddedAuthorizationToWrite: end");
700 }

◆ getBestAvailableUserDefaultMethod()

- (int) getBestAvailableUserDefaultMethod

Definition at line 1503 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1504 {
1505  int ret = 0;
1507  NSUserDefaults *udef = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
1509  NSLog(@"LocalData.getBestAvailableUserDefaultMethod: udef: %@", udef);
1511  NSArray *theaterMenuArray = [udef arrayForKey:healthDataAuthority];
1513  NSDictionary *theaterItemDictionary = [udef dictionaryForKey:showTheaterItem];
1515  NSString *theaterVersion1 = [udef stringForKey:showTheaterVersion1];
1517  if (theaterMenuArray) {
1518  // if healthDataAuthority is a array
1519  ret = 1;
1520  } else if (theaterItemDictionary) {
1521  // if showTheaterItem is a dictionary
1522  ret = 2;
1523  } else if (theaterVersion1) {
1524  // if showTheaterVerion1 is a string
1525  ret = 3;
1526  }
1527  // this is nuts
1528  NSLog(@"LocalData.getBestAvailableUserDefaultMethod: ret: %d", ret);
1529  return ret;
1530 }

◆ getHealthKitAuthorityFromUserDefaults()

- (void) getHealthKitAuthorityFromUserDefaults

Definition at line 832 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

833 {
834  NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
836  [userDefaults synchronize];
838  NSDictionary *hkUd = [userDefaults dictionaryForKey:healthKitAuthorityKey];
840  NSLog(@"LocalData.getHealthKitAuthorityFromUserDefaults: prior on-board count: %ld user-defaults: %@", (unsigned long)[healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict count], hkUd);
842  Boolean hkDictionaryEmpty = (0 == [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict count]);
843  if (0 < [hkUd count]) {
844  for (int j = 0; j < nutritionTypeCount; j++) {
845  NSString *hkQtypeString = nutritionTypes[j].description;
846  // Boolean stat = NO;
847  NSDictionary *authorityInfo;
848  NSNumber *statNumb;
849  // HKQuantityType *hkQtype = [HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:hkQtypeString];
850  if (!hkDictionaryEmpty) {
851  // NSObject* priorAuthority = [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict objectForKey:hkQtypeString];
852  authorityInfo = [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict objectForKey:hkQtypeString];
853  statNumb = [authorityInfo objectForKey:@"@value"];
854  // statNumb = (NSNumber *)priorAuthority;
855  // stat = [priorAuthNumb boolValue];
856  }
857  // NSLog(@"LocalData.getHealthKitAuthorityFromUserDefaults: stat: %@", ( stat ? @"true" : @"false"));
859  // NSObject* nextAuthority = [hkUd objectForKey:hkQtypeString];
860  // NSNumber *nextAuthNumb = (NSNumber *)nextAuthority; /* 0 - no query, 1 - denied, 2 - shared, ... */
861  NSMutableDictionary* userDefInfoDict = [hkUd objectForKey:hkQtypeString];
862  NSNumber *udAuthNumb = [userDefInfoDict objectForKey:@"value"]; /* 0 - no query, 1 - denied, 2 - shared, ... */
863  // Boolean next = [nextAuthNumb boolValue];
864  // NSLog(@"LocalData.getHealthKitAuthorityFromUserDefaults: next: %@", ( next ? @"true" : @"false"));
865 // RESTART HERE - healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict to be dictionary of dictionary, not auth values
866  if ((nil != udAuthNumb) && (nil != statNumb) && (![udAuthNumb isEqualToNumber:statNumb])) {
867  NSLog(@"LocalData.getHealthKitAuthorityFromUserDefaults: type: %@ updated: new auth: %@", hkQtypeString, udAuthNumb);
868  NSDate *authChangeDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0];
869  [userDefInfoDict setObject:authChangeDate forKey:@"date"];
871 // if (next && !stat) {
872 // NSLog(@"LocalData.getHealthKitAuthorityFromUserDefaults: adding %@:%@", hkQtypeString, ( next ? @"true" : @"false"));
873 // } else if (!next && stat) {
874 // NSLog(@"LocalData.getHealthKitAuthorityFromUserDefaults: removing %@", hkQtypeString);
875 // }
876  }
877  if (userDefInfoDict) {
878  // replace previous dictionary with dictionary from u/d, updated with date-of-change,
879  // if applicable
880  [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict setObject:userDefInfoDict forKey:hkQtypeString];
881  }
882  }
883  } else {
884  NSLog(@"LocalData.getHealthKitAuthorityFromUserDefaults: no %@ dictionary entries in user defaults", healthKitAuthorityKey);
885  }
886 }
NSInteger nutritionTypeCount
NSString * healthKitAuthorityKey
NSMutableDictionary * healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict
HKQuantityTypeIdentifier nutritionTypes[40]

◆ getNextGalleryPositionIdx()

- (NSInteger) getNextGalleryPositionIdx

Definition at line 529 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

530 {
533 }
NSRange currentMenuItemGalleryPositions

◆ getPrevGalleryPositionIdx()

- (NSInteger) getPrevGalleryPositionIdx

Definition at line 522 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

523 {
526  return currentMenuItemGalleryPositions.location;
528 }
NSRange currentMenuItemGalleryPositions

◆ goHealthData:forDelegate:()

- (Boolean) goHealthData: (NSArray<NSDictionary *> *)  parametersForHK
forDelegate: (id<Z5HealthConnectionProtocol>)  jingo 

Definition at line 1102 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1102  :(NSArray<NSDictionary *> *) parametersForHK forDelegate: (id<Z5HealthConnectionProtocol>)jingo
1103 {
1104  healthConnectDelegate = jingo;
1106  Boolean ret = [HKHealthStore isHealthDataAvailable];
1107  if (ret) {
1108  NSLog(@"LocalData.goHealthData: addMenuItemOnToday: HKHealthStore is available");
1109  [[[Z5DataController sharedInstance] localDataController] setupHealthKit];
1111  for (NSDictionary *datum in parametersForHK) {
1112  NSLog(@"LocalData.goHealthData: datum: %@", datum);
1114  NSString *nutriType = [datum objectForKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentNameKey]];
1115  NSString *hkTypeStr = [@"HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietary" stringByAppendingString:nutriType];
1116  HKQuantityType *hkType = [HKQuantityType quantityTypeForIdentifier:hkTypeStr];
1117  HKUnit *massUnit = [HKUnit unitFromString:@"g"];
1118  HKUnit *energyUnit = [HKUnit unitFromString:@"cal"];
1120  HKUnit *hkUnit = nil;
1121  NSString *nutriValue = [datum objectForKey:componentValueKey];
1122  NSLog(@"LocalData.goHealthData: nutriValue: %@", nutriValue);
1123  NSArray<NSString *> *pieces = [nutriValue componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
1124  // HKUnit *hkUnit = nil;
1125  float quantityScalar = [pieces[0] floatValue];
1126  if ([hkType isCompatibleWithUnit:energyUnit])
1127  {
1128  if ([@"cal" isEqualToString:pieces[1]]) {
1129  HKMetricPrefix microPrefix = HKMetricPrefixNone;
1130  hkUnit = [HKUnit jouleUnitWithMetricPrefix:microPrefix];
1131  }
1132  } else if ([hkType isCompatibleWithUnit:massUnit]){
1133  if ([@"mcg" isEqualToString:pieces[1]]) {
1134  HKMetricPrefix microPrefix = HKMetricPrefixMicro;
1135  hkUnit = [HKUnit gramUnitWithMetricPrefix:microPrefix];
1136  } else if ([@"mg" isEqualToString:pieces[1]]) {
1137  HKMetricPrefix milliPrefix = HKMetricPrefixMilli;
1138  hkUnit = [HKUnit gramUnitWithMetricPrefix:milliPrefix];
1139  }
1140  }
1141  HKQuantity *hkQuantity = [HKQuantity quantityWithUnit:hkUnit doubleValue:quantityScalar];
1143  NSDictionary *opQueueIn = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:hkType, @"HKtype", hkQuantity, @"HKquantity", nil];
1144  [healthKitOpQueue addOperation:[[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(tryHealthStore:) object:opQueueIn]];
1146  }
1147  [healthKitOpQueue waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished];
1148  NSLog(@"LocalData.goHealthData: done waiting");
1149  }
1150  return ret;
1151 }
instancetype sharedInstance()
Singleton interface to both core and remote data sources.

◆ hkQuantityForString:()

+ (HKQuantity *) hkQuantityForString: (NSString *)  quantityDescript

Definition at line 1232 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1232  : (NSString *) quantityDescript
1233 {
1234  NSArray<NSString *> *pieces = [quantityDescript componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
1235  HKUnit *hkUnit = nil;
1236  float quantityScalar = [pieces[0] floatValue];
1237  // NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.hkQuantityForString: quantityScalar: %3.2f", quantityScalar);
1239  if ([@"mcg" isEqualToString:pieces[1]]) {
1240  HKMetricPrefix microPrefix = HKMetricPrefixMicro;
1241  hkUnit = [HKUnit gramUnitWithMetricPrefix:microPrefix];
1242  } else if ([@"mg" isEqualToString:pieces[1]]) {
1243  HKMetricPrefix milliPrefix = HKMetricPrefixMilli;
1244  hkUnit = [HKUnit gramUnitWithMetricPrefix:milliPrefix];
1245  }
1246  HKQuantity *hkQuantity = [HKQuantity quantityWithUnit:hkUnit doubleValue:quantityScalar];
1247  //double quantDbl = [hkQuantity doubleValueForUnit:[HKUnit gramUnit]];
1248  //NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.hkQuantityForString: quantDbl: %f", quantDbl);
1250  return hkQuantity;
1251 }

◆ init()

- (id) init

Definition at line 155 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

156 {
157  self = [super init];
159  self.availableNutritionParamArray = [self establishNutritionParameters];
160  healthKitOpQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
161  [healthKitOpQueue setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:36];
162  healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:50];
163  [self initNutritionTypes];
165  componentNameKey = @"component-type";
166  componentValueKey = @"component-value";
167  componentSampleKey = @"component-sample";
168  componentAuthorityKey = @"component-HKauthority";
169  componentAuthorityDateKey = @"component-HKauthority-date";
170  componentHKComponentKey = @"component-HKcomponent";
171  panelBackgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithHue:0.15 saturation:0.4 brightness:0.6 alpha:1.0];
172  // menuHeaderBackground = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.75 alpha:1.0f];
173  menuContentsBackground = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.9351 green:0.8945 blue:0.7421 alpha:1.0];
174  // menuContentsBackground = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.9 alpha:1.0f];
175  menuHeaderBackground = [UIColor colorWithRed:0.91 green:0.789 blue:0.4843 alpha:1.0];
176  menuContentsBackground = [UIColor colorWithRed:245.0/255.0 green:222.0/255.0 blue:179.0/255.0 alpha:1.0];
177 /*
178  panelBackgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:244/256 green:229/256 blue:190/256 alpha:1];
179  menuHeaderBackground = [UIColor colorWithRed:233/256 green:202/256 blue:124/256 alpha:1];
180  */
181  currentMenuItemGalleryPositions.location = 10;
183  _todaysMeal = nil;
185 // localDataListeners = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
187  return self;
188 }
NSOperationQueue * healthKitOpQueue
NSMutableDictionary * healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict
NSRange currentMenuItemGalleryPositions

◆ initGalleryPositionsRange:()

- (void) initGalleryPositionsRange: (NSRange)  fetchAllRange

Definition at line 534 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

534  : (NSRange) fetchAllRange
535 {
536  currentMenuItemGalleryPositions.location = fetchAllRange.location;
537  currentMenuItemGalleryPositions.length = fetchAllRange.length;
538 }
NSRange currentMenuItemGalleryPositions

◆ initializeTodaysMeal()

- (void) initializeTodaysMeal

Definition at line 1412 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1413 {
1414  _todaysMeal = nil;
1415 }

◆ initNutritionTypes()

- (void) initNutritionTypes

This method initializes the local-data status array, initializes array for 39 Apple health kit nutrition types.

Definition at line 705 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

706 {
707  // NSArray<HKQuantityTypeIdentifier> *qtyTypes
708  _hkQuantityTypes = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
709  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryBiotin,
710  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCaffeine,
711  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCalcium,
712  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCarbohydrates,
713  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryChloride,
714  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCholesterol,
715  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryChromium,
716  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryCopper,
717  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryEnergyConsumed,
718  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatMonounsaturated,
719  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatPolyunsaturated,
720  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatSaturated,
721  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFatTotal,
722  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFiber,
723  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryFolate,
724  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryIodine,
725  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryIron,
726  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryMagnesium,
727  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryManganese,
728  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryMolybdenum,
729  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryNiacin,
730  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPantothenicAcid,
731  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPhosphorus,
732  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryPotassium,
733  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryProtein,
734  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryRiboflavin,
735  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySelenium,
736  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySodium,
737  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySugar,
738  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryThiamin,
739  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminA,
740  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminB12,
741  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminB6,
742  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminC,
743  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminD,
744  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminE,
745  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryVitaminK,
746  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryWater,
747  HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietaryZinc,
748  nil];
750  nutritionTypeCount = [_hkQuantityTypes count];
751  for (int j = 0; j < nutritionTypeCount; j++) {
752  NSString *thisone = [_hkQuantityTypes[j] description];
753  // NSLog(@"LocalData.initNutritionTypes: thisone: %@", thisone);
754  nutritionTypes[j] = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:thisone];
755  }
756 }
NSInteger nutritionTypeCount
HKQuantityTypeIdentifier nutritionTypes[40]

◆ jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem:()

- (NSDictionary *) jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem: (MenuItem *)  menuItem

Definition at line 601 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

601  :(MenuItem *)menuItem
602 {
603  /*
604  * Existing data
605  */
606  // NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem: menuItem: %@", menuItem);
607  NSString *usdaNumbers = [menuItem usdaNumbers];
608  if (usdaNumbers) {
609  if (![usdaNumbers isEqualToString:@""]) {
610  NSData *existingUsdaNumbersData = [usdaNumbers dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
611  NSError *err_init_json;
612  NSObject *extantUsdaJsonObj = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:existingUsdaNumbersData options:NSJSONReadingAllowFragments error:&err_init_json];
613  if (!err_init_json) {
614  if (extantUsdaJsonObj) {
615  if ([extantUsdaJsonObj isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
617  // NSDictionary *jsonUsdaIn = (NSDictionary *)extantUsdaJsonObj;
618  // NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem: jsonUsdaIn: %@", jsonUsdaIn);
620  return (NSDictionary *)extantUsdaJsonObj;
621  } else {
622  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem: class: %@", NSStringFromClass([extantUsdaJsonObj class]));
623  return nil;
624  }
625  }
626  } else { // err_init_json YES
627  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.vjsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem: err_init_json: %@", err_init_json);
628  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem: usdaNumbers: %@", usdaNumbers);
629  }
630  } else {
631  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem: no usdaNumbers");
632  }
633  } else {
634  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem: nil usdaNumbers");
635  }
636  return nil;
637 }
MenuItem * menuItem

◆ logEmailMessageAndMenuItemList()

- (void) logEmailMessageAndMenuItemList

Definition at line 1484 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1485 {
1486  NSArray *emObjects = [[[Z5DataController sharedInstance] localDataController] retrieveAllEmailMessages];
1487  for (NSManagedObject *emailMessage in emObjects) {
1488  EmailMessage *dbEmailMessage = (EmailMessage *)emailMessage;
1489  NSLog(@"LocalData.logEmailMessageAndEmailMessageList: menuItem into list: %@", [dbEmailMessage subject]);
1490  }
1492  NSNumber *galleryChoice = [NSNumber numberWithInt:1];
1493  NSArray *objects = [[[Z5DataController sharedInstance] localDataController] retrieveAllMenuItems:galleryChoice];
1494  for (NSManagedObject *menuItem in objects) {
1495  MenuItem *dbMenuItem = (MenuItem *)menuItem;
1496  NSLog(@"LocalData.logEmailMessageAndMenuItemList: menuItem into list: %@", [dbMenuItem name]);
1497  }
1498 }
MenuItem * menuItem
instancetype sharedInstance()
Singleton interface to both core and remote data sources.

◆ logGallery:caption:()

- (void) logGallery: (NSNumber *)  galleryChoice
caption: (NSString *)  caption 

Definition at line 190 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

190  : (NSNumber *)galleryChoice caption: (NSString *) caption
191 {
192  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.logGallery: %@ caption: %@", galleryChoice, caption);
193  // NSNumber *galleryChoice = [NSNumber numberWithInt:1];
194  switch ([galleryChoice integerValue]) {
195  case 0:
196  {
197  NSArray *localDataMenuItems = [self retrieveAllMenuItems:galleryChoice];
198  for (MenuItem *mItem in localDataMenuItems) {
199  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.logGallery: mItem-name: %@",;
200  }
201  }
202  break;
203  case 1:
204  {
205  NSArray *localDataMeals = [self retrieveAllMeals:galleryChoice];
206  for (Meal *mItem in localDataMeals) {
207  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.logGallery: meal: %@", mItem);
208  }
209  }
210  break;
211  default:
212  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.logGallery: %@", galleryChoice);
213  }
214 }

◆ logTodaysMenu:()

- (void) logTodaysMenu: (NSString *)  caption

Definition at line 540 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

540  : (NSString *) caption
541 {
542  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.logTodaysMenu");
543  NSLog(@"%@(logTodaysMenu) count: %ld", caption, (unsigned long)[[self todaysMenuItems] count]);
544  for (MenuItem *mItem in [self todaysMenuItems]) {
545  // get a list of components for the menu item - json avail, use compiled products
546  NSLog(@"(logTodaysMenu) item: %@",;
548  NSArray<NSDictionary *> *todaysParameters = [self todaysMenuComponents];
549  // if there are parameters to check, go to local data for authorization
550  // to put in the health-kit database.
551  if (0 < [todaysParameters count]) {
552  // [localData goHealthData:todaysParameters forDelegate:self];
553  }
554  }
555  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.logTodaysMenu: end");
556 }
NSMutableArray< MenuItem * > * todaysMenuItems

◆ mealComponents:()

- (NSArray< NSDictionary * > *) mealComponents: (Meal *)  meal

Definition at line 1421 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1421  : (Meal *)meal
1422 {
1423  NSMutableArray<NSDictionary *> *totals = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
1424  for (MenuItem *mItem in [meal containedItem]) {
1425  // get a list of components for the menu item - json avail, use compiled products
1426  NSDictionary *currentParameters = [self jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem:mItem];
1427  NSArray<NSDictionary *> *usdaParameterArray = [currentParameters objectForKey:@"usdaNumbers"];
1429  [totals addObjectsFromArray:usdaParameterArray];
1430  } // for each item in todays menu
1431  return totals;
1432 }
NSMutableArray * usdaParameterArray

◆ menuContentsBackground()

+ (UIColor *) menuContentsBackground

Definition at line 96 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

97 {
99 }

◆ menuHeaderBackground()

+ (UIColor *) menuHeaderBackground

Definition at line 92 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

93 {
94  return menuHeaderBackground;
95 }

◆ mergeJsonForUsdaNumbers:inMenuItem:inContext:()

- (NSMutableDictionary *) mergeJsonForUsdaNumbers: (NSDictionary *)  usdaDictionary
inMenuItem: (MenuItem *)  menuItem
inContext: (UIView *)  screen 

Definition at line 574 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

574  :(NSDictionary *)usdaDictionary inMenuItem:(MenuItem *)menuItem inContext:(UIView *) screen
575 {
576  NSMutableDictionary *ret = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:[self jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem:menuItem]];
578  // for every entry in the incoming dictionary, check current menu
579  NSEnumerator *enumerator = [usdaDictionary keyEnumerator];
580  id key;
581  while ((key = [enumerator nextObject])) {
582  /* code that uses the returned key - sodium, total-fat*/
583  NSString *keyStr = (NSString *)key;
584  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.mergeJsonForUsdaNumbers: keyStr: %@", keyStr);
585  id value = [usdaDictionary objectForKey:key];
586  if (![(NSString *)value isEqualToString:@""]) {
587  NSString *valueStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",(NSString *)value, [self unitsForParameter:keyStr]];
588  [ret setObject:valueStr forKey:keyStr];
589  }
590  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.mergeJsonForUsdaNumbers: ret: %@", ret);
592  // if (value) {
593  // [Z5DataController showQuery:@"new or old" message:@"Which?"];
594  // }
595  }
596  // if parameter is not found, add
597  // if parameter is found, pop up a notice dialog 'new' or 'old'
598  // update or ignore as directed
599  return ret;
600 }
MenuItem * menuItem

◆ panelBackgroundColor()

+ (UIColor *) panelBackgroundColor

Definition at line 88 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

89 {
90  return panelBackgroundColor;
91 }

◆ putCredentialsInUserDefaults()

- (void) putCredentialsInUserDefaults

Definition at line 1255 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1256 {
1257  NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
1259 // NSString *enteredUsername = [[Z5DataController sharedInstance] remoteDataController].emailDataController.username;
1260 // [userDefaults setObject:enteredUsername forKey:@"username"];
1261 // NSString *enteredPassword = [[Z5DataController sharedInstance] remoteDataController].emailDataController.password;
1262 // [userDefaults setObject:enteredPassword forKey:@"password"];
1264  [userDefaults synchronize];
1266 }

◆ putHealthKitAuthorityInUserDefaults()

- (void) putHealthKitAuthorityInUserDefaults

Definition at line 819 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

820 {
821  NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
823  [userDefaults setObject:healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict forKey:healthKitAuthorityKey];
825  [userDefaults synchronize];
827 }

◆ putMenuItemOnToday:()

- (void) putMenuItemOnToday: (MenuItem *)  focusMenuItem

Definition at line 1386 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1386  : (MenuItem *)focusMenuItem
1387 {
1388  if (!focusMenuItem) {
1389  NSLog(@"Z5LocalData.putMenuItemOnToday: FAIL, nil input");
1390  return;
1391  }
1392  if (!_todaysMenuItems) {
1393  _todaysMenuItems = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
1394  NSLog(@"Z5LocalData.putMenuItemOnToday: todays-menu-items array created");
1395  }
1396  [_todaysMenuItems addObject:focusMenuItem];
1397 }

◆ putTodaysMenuInUserDefaults()

- (void) putTodaysMenuInUserDefaults

Definition at line 1398 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1399 {
1400  NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
1402  NSMutableArray *menuItemKeys = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
1403  for (NSManagedObject *menuItem in _todaysMenuItems) {
1404  MenuItem *dbMenuItem = (MenuItem *)menuItem;
1405  [menuItemKeys addObject:[dbMenuItem randomkey]];
1406  // NSLog(@"RemoteData.fillMenuItemList: menuItem into list: %@", [dbMenuItem name]);
1407  }
1408  [userDefaults setObject:menuItemKeys forKey:proposedMenuItemList];
1410  [userDefaults synchronize];
1411 }
MenuItem * menuItem

◆ removeMealWithRandomkey:()

- (Boolean) removeMealWithRandomkey: (NSString *)  removeKey

Definition at line 369 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

369  : (NSString *)removeKey
370 {
371  [Meal deleteMealByRandomkey:removeKey context:[self managedObjectContext]];
373  return YES;
374 }
void deleteMealByRandomkey:context:(NSString *deleteKey, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ removeMenuItemWithKey:fromTree:()

- (void) removeMenuItemWithKey: (NSString *)  moleculekey
fromTree: (NSDictionary *)  tree 

Definition at line 501 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

501  :(NSString *)moleculekey fromTree:(NSDictionary *)tree
502 {
504  // NSString *moleculeKey; // need key from tree when molecule found
505  // this call works on the common theater list, not the local list
508  // --todo- [self removeMenuItemKey:moleculekey fromTheaterList:tree];
512  // [self.managedObjectContext deleteObject:molecule];
513  [self saveContext];
514 }

◆ removeTodaysMealFromDatabase()

- (void) removeTodaysMealFromDatabase

Definition at line 420 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

421 {
422  NSString *removeKey = [_todaysMeal randomkey];
423  [self removeMealWithRandomkey:removeKey];
424 }

◆ retrieveAllEmailMessages()

- (NSArray *) retrieveAllEmailMessages

Definition at line 1322 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1323 {
1325  NSManagedObjectContext *moc = [self managedObjectContext];
1326  NSEntityDescription *entityDescription = [NSEntityDescription
1327  entityForName:@"EmailMessage" inManagedObjectContext:moc];
1328  NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
1329  [request setEntity:entityDescription];
1331  NSError *error;
1332  NSArray *objects = [self.managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
1334  return objects;
1335 }

◆ retrieveAllMeals:()

- (NSArray< Meal * > *) retrieveAllMeals: (NSNumber *)  galleryNumber

Definition at line 347 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

347  : (NSNumber *)galleryNo
348 {
349  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.retrieveAllMeals: gallery: %@", galleryNo);
351  NSArray<Meal *> *ret = [Meal retrieveAllMealsForGallery: (NSNumber *) galleryNo context:[self managedObjectContext]];
353  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.retrieveAllMeals: meals retrieved: %lu", (unsigned long)[ret count]);
355  return ret;
356 }
NSArray * retrieveAllMealsForGallery:context:(NSNumber *mealGallery, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ retrieveAllMenuItems:()

- (NSArray< MenuItem * > *) retrieveAllMenuItems: (NSNumber *)  galleryNo

Definition at line 494 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

494  : (NSNumber *)galleryNo
495 {
496  NSArray<MenuItem *> *ret = [MenuItem retrieveAllMenuItemsForGallery: (NSNumber *) galleryNo context:[self managedObjectContext]];
499  return ret;
500 }
NSArray< MenuItem * > * retrieveAllMenuItemsForGallery:context:(NSNumber *galleryNo, [context] NSManagedObjectContext *moc)

◆ saveContext()

- (void) saveContext

this method does a save on the database context, and puts menu and health-authorities into user defaults.

Definition at line 219 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

220 {
221  NSError *error = nil;
222  NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext = self.managedObjectContext;
223  if (managedObjectContext != nil) {
224  if ([managedObjectContext hasChanges] && ![managedObjectContext save:&error]) {
225  // Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.
226  // abort() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development.
227  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveContext: Unresolved error %@, %@", error, [error userInfo]);
228  abort();
229  }
230  }
232  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveContext: write user prefs");
233  [self putTodaysMenuInUserDefaults];
234  [self putHealthKitAuthorityInUserDefaults];
235  [self putCredentialsInUserDefaults];
236 }
NSManagedObjectContext * managedObjectContext

◆ saveQuantityToHealthStore:amount:()

- (void) saveQuantityToHealthStore: (HKQuantityType *)  quantityType
amount: (HKQuantity *)  quantityAmount 

Definition at line 1162 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1162  :(HKQuantityType *)quantityType amount:(HKQuantity *)quantityAmount
1163 {
1164  NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
1165  // Boolean isSuccess = NO;
1166  HKQuantitySample *quantitySample = [HKQuantitySample quantitySampleWithType:quantityType quantity:quantityAmount startDate:now endDate:now];
1167  NSInteger authStatus = [self.healthStore authorizationStatusForType:quantityType];
1168  NSString *quantityAuthority = @"none";
1169  switch (authStatus) {
1170  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingAuthorized:
1171  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: HKAuthorizationStatusSharingAuthorized");
1172  quantityAuthority = @"HKAuthorizationStatusSharingAuthorized";
1173  break;
1174  case HKAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined:
1175  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: HKAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined");
1176  quantityAuthority = @"HKAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined";
1177  break;
1178  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied:
1179  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied");
1180  quantityAuthority = @"HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied";
1181  break;
1182  case HKErrorAuthorizationDenied:
1183  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: HKErrorAuthorizationDenied");
1184  quantityAuthority = @"HKErrorAuthorizationDenied";
1185  break;
1186  case HKErrorAuthorizationNotDetermined:
1187  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: HKErrorAuthorizationNotDetermined");
1188  quantityAuthority = @"HKErrorAuthorizationNotDetermined";
1189  break;
1190  }
1192  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: type: %@ authority: %@ quantitySample: %@", quantityType, quantityAuthority, quantitySample);
1194  switch (authStatus) {
1195  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingAuthorized:
1196  {
1197  [self.healthStore saveObject:quantitySample withCompletion:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
1198  if (!success) {
1199  NSLog(@"An error occured saving the quantity sample %@. In your app, try to handle this gracefully. The error was: %@.", quantitySample, error);
1200  // abort();
1201  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: ERR code: %ld", (long)error.code);
1202  return;
1203  }
1204  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: success with %@", quantityType);
1205  // [healthConnectDelegate healthQuantityTypeData:quantityType success:YES];
1206 // dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
1207 // [healthConnectDelegate healthQuantityTypeData:quantityType success:YES];
1208 // });
1209  }];
1210  }
1211  break;
1212 /* case HKAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined:
1213  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: HKAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined");
1214  [healthConnectDelegate healthQuantityTypeData:quantityType success:NO];
1215  break;
1216  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied:
1217  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied");
1218  [healthConnectDelegate healthQuantityTypeData:quantityType success:NO];
1219  break;
1220  case HKErrorAuthorizationDenied:
1221  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: HKErrorAuthorizationDenied");
1222  [healthConnectDelegate healthQuantityTypeData:quantityType success:NO];
1223  break;
1224  case HKErrorAuthorizationNotDetermined:
1225  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.saveQuantityToHealthStore: HKErrorAuthorizationNotDetermined");
1226  [healthConnectDelegate healthQuantityTypeData:quantityType success:NO];
1227  break;
1228  */
1229  }
1230 }

◆ setupHealthKit()

- (void) setupHealthKit

Eventually this next method will be the front door to kit . Called at NutritionGallery.viewDidLoad, and "Apple HealthKit" button hit, and state toggled on. Modification: before I call validateHealthKitAuthority I have to ask to share. The validateAuthority only reflects asked for values.

Definition at line 663 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

664 {
665  if (self.healthStore) {
666  NSLog(@"LocalData.setupHealthKit: healthStore all ready set");
667  } else if ([HKHealthStore isHealthDataAvailable]) {
668  self.healthStore = [[HKHealthStore alloc] init];
670  // do not pre-query anything, user to authorize as needed
671  // need to remove and reinstall to initialize testing
672  [self validateHealthKitAuthority];
673  }
674 }

◆ setUseHealthKit:()

- (void) setUseHealthKit: (Boolean)  useHealthKit

This gets called when "Apple HealthKit" gets pushed, and status toggles 'on' gets toggled on

Definition at line 642 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

642  :(Boolean)useHealthKit
643 {
644  if (useHealthKit) {
645  _usingHealthKit = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:YES];
646  } else {
647  _usingHealthKit = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:NO];
648  }
649  NSLog(@"LocalData.setUsingHealthKit: %@", _usingHealthKit);
650  if ([_usingHealthKit boolValue]) {
652  [self getHealthKitAuthorityFromUserDefaults];
653  [self setupHealthKit];
655  [self putHealthKitAuthorityInUserDefaults];
656  }
657 }

◆ todaysMealConsumed:forDelegate:()

- (void) todaysMealConsumed: (NSDate *)  date
forDelegate: (id<Z5HealthConnectionProtocol>)  jingo 

Definition at line 388 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

388  : (NSDate *)date forDelegate: (id<Z5HealthConnectionProtocol>)jingo
389 {
390  [self goHealthData:[self todaysMenuComponents] forDelegate:jingo];
392  // instead of right-now, take meal date from date-picker
393  // NSDate *rightNow = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0];
395  // mmm
397 /*
398  NSArray<Meal *> *dailyMeal = [self findOrCreateMealWithDate: date];
399  Meal *meal = [dailyMeal lastObject];
400  NSArray<MenuItem *> *todaysMenuItems = [self todaysMenuItems];
401  meal.containedItem = [NSSet setWithArray:todaysMenuItems];
402  */
403  _todaysMeal.consumeDate = date;
404  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.todaysMealConsumed: rating: %3.2f", [_todaysMeal.rating floatValue]);
406 }

◆ todaysMealRated:()

- (void) todaysMealRated: (float)  rating

Definition at line 407 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

407  : (float)rating
408 {
409  NSNumber *ratingNumber = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:rating];
410  [_todaysMeal setRating:ratingNumber];
411 }

◆ todaysMealRequested:()

- (void) todaysMealRequested: (NSDate *)  date

Definition at line 375 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

375  : (NSDate *)date
376 {
377  NSArray<Meal *> *dailyMeal = [self findOrCreateMealWithDate: date];
378  _todaysMeal = [dailyMeal lastObject];
379  NSArray<MenuItem *> *todaysMenuItems = [self todaysMenuItems];
380  _todaysMeal.containedItem = [NSSet setWithArray:todaysMenuItems];
381  _todaysMeal.orderDate = date;
382  _todaysMeal.randomkey = [Z5DataController produceRandomkey];
384  [_todaysMenuItems removeAllObjects];
385  _todaysMenuItems = nil;
386 }
NSString * produceRandomkey()
Singleton interface to both core and remote data sources.
NSMutableArray< MenuItem * > * todaysMenuItems

◆ todaysMealSkipped()

- (void) todaysMealSkipped

Definition at line 413 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

414 {
415  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.todaysMealSkipped: _todaysMeal: %@", _todaysMeal);
416  if (_todaysMeal) {
417  [self removeTodaysMealFromDatabase];
418  }
419 }

◆ todaysMenuComponents()

- (NSArray< NSDictionary * > *) todaysMenuComponents

Definition at line 1433 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1434 {
1435  NSMutableArray<NSDictionary *> *totals = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
1436  for (MenuItem *mItem in [self todaysMenuItems]) {
1437  // get a list of components for the menu item - json avail, use compiled products
1438  NSDictionary *currentParameters = [self jsonForUsdaNumbersInMenuItem:mItem];
1440  if (currentParameters) {
1441  NSArray<NSDictionary *> *usdaParameterArray = [currentParameters objectForKey:@"usdaNumbers"];
1442  [totals addObjectsFromArray:usdaParameterArray];
1443  } else {
1444  NSLog(@"LocalData.todaysMenuComponents: no parameters for %@",;
1445  }
1446  } // for each item in todays menu
1448  // get authorized parameters
1449  NSArray<NSMutableDictionary*> *annotatedArray;
1450  if (0 < [totals count]) {
1451  annotatedArray = [[[Z5DataController sharedInstance]
1452  localDataController]
1453  annotateAuthority:totals];
1454  for (NSDictionary *entr in annotatedArray) {
1455  NSString *name = [entr objectForKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentNameKey]];
1456  NSString *quantStr = [entr objectForKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentValueKey]];
1457  HKQuantity *quant = [Z5LocalDataController hkQuantityForString:quantStr];
1458  double quantDbl = 0.0;
1459  if ([quant isCompatibleWithUnit:[HKUnit gramUnit]]) {
1460  quantDbl = [quant doubleValueForUnit:[HKUnit gramUnit]];
1461  } else if ([quant isCompatibleWithUnit:[HKUnit jouleUnit]]) {
1462  quantDbl = [quant doubleValueForUnit:[HKUnit jouleUnitWithMetricPrefix:HKMetricPrefixMicro]];
1463  }
1464  NSNumber *authority = [entr objectForKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentAuthorityKey]];
1465  Boolean authFlag = [ authority boolValue];
1467  if (0.0 < quantDbl) {
1468  if (authFlag) {
1469  // NSLog(@"LocalData.todaysMenuComponents: have authority for %@", name);
1470  } else {
1471  // NSLog(@"LocalData.todaysMenuComponents: no authority for %@, entr: %@", name, entr);
1473  }
1474  } else {
1475  NSLog(@"LocalData.todaysMenuComponents: no quantity for %@", name);
1476  }
1477  }
1478  } else {
1479  NSLog(@"LocalData.todaysMenuComponents: no totals for todays menu");
1480  }
1482  return annotatedArray;
1483 }
instancetype sharedInstance()
HKQuantity * hkQuantityForString:(NSString *quantityDescript)
Singleton interface to both core and remote data sources.
NSMutableArray * usdaParameterArray
NSMutableArray< MenuItem * > * todaysMenuItems

◆ toLocalTime:()

- (NSDate *) toLocalTime: (NSDate *)  grenwich

Definition at line 425 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

425  : (NSDate *)grenwich
426 {
427  NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc]
428  initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
429  NSDateComponents *dayComponents =
430  [gregorian components:(NSCalendarUnitDay |
431  NSCalendarUnitMonth |
432  NSCalendarUnitYear) fromDate:grenwich];
433  NSInteger day = [dayComponents day];
434  NSInteger month = [dayComponents month];
435  NSInteger year = [dayComponents year];
437  NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
438  [calendar setTimeZone: [NSTimeZone systemTimeZone]];
440  // Specify the date components manually (year, month, day, hour, minutes, etc.)
441  NSDateComponents *timeZoneComps=[[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
442  [timeZoneComps setSecond:0];
443  [timeZoneComps setMinute:0];
444  [timeZoneComps setHour:0];
445  [timeZoneComps setDay:day];
446  [timeZoneComps setMonth:month];
447  [timeZoneComps setYear:year];
448  [timeZoneComps setSecond:0];
450  NSDate *ret = [calendar dateFromComponents:timeZoneComps];
452  return ret;
453 }

◆ tryHealthStore:()

- (void) tryHealthStore: (id)  arg

Definition at line 1153 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

1153  :(id)arg
1154 {
1155  NSDictionary *inputVars = arg;
1157  HKQuantityType *hkType = [inputVars objectForKey:@"HKtype"];
1158  HKQuantity *hkQuantity = [inputVars objectForKey:@"HKquantity"];
1159  [self saveQuantityToHealthStore:hkType amount:hkQuantity];
1160 }

◆ typesForWriting()

- (NSArray< HKQuantityType * > *) typesForWriting

Definition at line 936 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

937 {
938  __block NSMutableArray *retArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
939  [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id object, BOOL *stop) {
940  NSString *keyString = (NSString *)key;
941  NSNumber *objectNumber = (NSNumber *)object;
942  Boolean objBoolean = [objectNumber boolValue];
943  if (objBoolean) {
944  HKQuantityType *keyHkQtype = [HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:keyString];
945  [retArray addObject:keyHkQtype];
946  }
947  }];
948  return retArray;
949 }

◆ unitsForParameter:()

- (NSString *) unitsForParameter: (NSString *)  paramKeyStr

Definition at line 560 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

560  :(NSString *)paramKeyStr
561 {
562  NSString *ret;
563  if ([paramKeyStr isEqualToString:@"sodium"]) {
564  ret = @"mg";
565  } else if ([paramKeyStr isEqualToString:@"total-fat"]) {
566  ret = @"grams";
567  } else {
568  ret = @"";
569  }
570  NSLog(@"Z5LocalDataController.unitsForParameter: WHAT IS HERE? key: %@ ret: %@", paramKeyStr, ret);
571  return ret;
572 }

◆ validateHealthKitAuthority()

- (void) validateHealthKitAuthority

This method makes thirty-nine calls to the health-store, 'authorizationStatusForType', to determine which parameters can be recorded in the HealthStore. The authorization status for an HKObjectType does not reflect whether your application has authorization to read samples of those types. It only indicates whether you have requested authorization at all and whether your app is authorized to write samples of those types. So if your app requests authorization to read step count samples but not write them, and the user grants read authorization, then the authorization status for HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount will be HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied.

Definition at line 763 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

764 {
765  int notDetermined = 0;
766  int itemDenied = 0;
767  int itemAuthorized = 0;
768  for (int j = 0; j < nutritionTypeCount; j++) {
770  NSString *hkQtypeString = nutritionTypes[j];
771  HKQuantityType *hkQtype = [HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:hkQtypeString];
773  // NSNumber *previousAuthority = [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict objectForKey:hkQtypeString];
774  HKAuthorizationStatus status = [self.healthStore authorizationStatusForType:hkQtype];
775  NSNumber *statusNumb = [NSNumber numberWithInt:status];
776  NSDate *freshAuthorityDate;
778  NSMutableDictionary *knownAuthority = [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict objectForKey:hkQtypeString];
779  // TODO: check for knownDict inadequat, check knownDict->value != 0
780  if (knownAuthority) {
781  NSNumber *previousAuthority = [knownAuthority objectForKey:@"value"];
782  NSDate *knownAuthorityDate = [knownAuthority objectForKey:@"data"];
784  if ([statusNumb isEqualToNumber:previousAuthority]) {
785  // TODO: if 0 == 0, then freshDate = nil;
786  freshAuthorityDate = knownAuthorityDate;
787  } else {
788  // NSDate *authorityDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0];
789  // [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict setObject:authorityDate forKey:healthKitAuthorityKey];
790  NSLog(@"LocalData.validateHealthKitAuthority: old auth: %@ new auth: %@", previousAuthority, statusNumb);
791  freshAuthorityDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0];
792  }
793  } else {
794  freshAuthorityDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0];
795  }
796  NSDictionary *freshAuthorityDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:statusNumb, @"value", freshAuthorityDate, @"date", nil];
797  // [knownAuthority setObject:statusNumb forKey:@"value"];
798  // [knownAuthority setObject:freshAuthorityDate forKey:@"date"];
799  // [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict setObject:statusNumb forKey:hkQtypeString];
800  [healthKitNutritionAuthorityDict setObject:freshAuthorityDict forKey:hkQtypeString];
802  switch (status) {
803  case HKAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined:
804  // NSLog(@"LocalData.validateHealthKitAuthority: %@ not determined", hkQtypeString);
805  notDetermined++;
806  break;
807  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied:
808  // NSLog(@"LocalData.validateHealthKitAuthority: %@ denied", hkQtypeString);
809  itemDenied++;
810  break;
811  case HKAuthorizationStatusSharingAuthorized:
812  // NSLog(@"LocalData.validateHealthKitAuthority: %@ authorized", hkQtypeString);
813  itemAuthorized++;
814  break;
815  } // end switch
816  } // end for
817  NSLog(@"LocalData.validateHealthKitAuthority: notDetermined: %d itemDenied: %d itemAuthorized: %d", notDetermined, itemDenied, itemAuthorized);
818 }
NSInteger nutritionTypeCount
HKQuantityTypeIdentifier nutritionTypes[40]

◆ wheatBackground()

+ (UIColor *) wheatBackground

Definition at line 100 of file Z5LocalDataController.m.

101 {
102  return wheatBackground;
103 }

Property Documentation

◆ availableNutritionParamArray

- (NSMutableArray*) availableNutritionParamArray

Definition at line 30 of file Z5LocalDataController.h.

◆ healthStore

- (HKHealthStore*) healthStore

Definition at line 29 of file Z5LocalDataController.h.

◆ hkQuantityTypes

- (NSArray<HKQuantityTypeIdentifier>*) hkQuantityTypes

Definition at line 32 of file Z5LocalDataController.h.

◆ managedObjectContext

- (NSManagedObjectContext *) managedObjectContext

Returns the managed object context for the application. If the context doesn't already exist, it is created and bound to the persistent store coordinator for the application.

Definition at line 24 of file Z5LocalDataController.h.

◆ managedObjectModel

- (NSManagedObjectModel *) managedObjectModel

Returns the managed object model for the application. If the model doesn't already exist, it is created from the application's model.

Definition at line 25 of file Z5LocalDataController.h.

◆ persistentStoreCoordinator

- (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *) persistentStoreCoordinator

Returns the persistent store coordinator for the application. If the coordinator doesn't already exist, it is created and the application's store added to it.

Definition at line 26 of file Z5LocalDataController.h.

◆ todaysMeal

- (Meal*) todaysMeal

Definition at line 34 of file Z5LocalDataController.h.

◆ todaysMenuItems

- (NSMutableArray<MenuItem *>*) todaysMenuItems

Definition at line 92 of file Z5LocalDataController.h.

◆ usingHealthKit

- (NSNumber*) usingHealthKit

Definition at line 28 of file Z5LocalDataController.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: