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Z6ParamValueEditView Class Reference

#import <Z6ParamValueEditView.h>

Inheritance diagram for Z6ParamValueEditView:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Z6ParamValueEditView:
Collaboration graph

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - initWithDelegate:
(void) - specializePickerView:
(NSDictionary *) - originateParameter
(void) - initializeSelection
(void) - showPickerViewNot:
(HKQuantityType *) - pickQuantityType [implementation]
(HKUnit *) - pickQuantityUnit [implementation]
(void) - originate [implementation]
(HKQuantity *) - produceQuantityValue [implementation]
(float) - heightRequirement [implementation]
(void) - appear: [implementation]
(CGFloat) - pickerView:rowHeightForComponent: [implementation]
(CGFloat) - pickerView:widthForComponent: [implementation]
(NSAttributedString *) - pickerView:attributedTitleForRow:forComponent: [implementation]
(UIView *) - pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView: [implementation]
(NSInteger) - isListedAlready: [implementation]
(void) - setupDimensionWheel [implementation]
(HKUnit *) - unitForQuantityType: [implementation]
(void) - establishPick: [implementation]
(void) - pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent: [implementation]
(NSInteger) - numberOfComponentsInPickerView: [implementation]
(NSInteger) - pickerView:numberOfRowsInComponent: [implementation]
(void) - setPickerType:scalar:andUnit: [implementation]
(NSString *) - stringForPickerRow: [implementation]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 13 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.h.

Method Documentation

◆ appear:()

- (void) appear: (CGRect)  bound

Definition at line 237 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

237  :(CGRect)bound
238 {
239  // NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.appear: newParameterPickerHeight: %3.2f", newParameterPickerHeight);
240  switch ([delegate getTotalEditState]) {
241  case INITIAL_STATE:
242  {
243  }
244  break;
246  {
247  }
248  break;
249  case PICK_QUANTITY:
250  {
251  // next line is inadequate, consider when parameter
252  // added subsequent to initial add. Name inside dictionary
253  // should be new parameter, or selected parameter GENERally
254  // from component-0
255  NSInteger huh = [newParameterPicker selectedRowInComponent:0];
256  NSString *component0parameter = [self stringForPickerRow:huh];
257  NSDictionary *tryThisDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:component0parameter, [Z5LocalDataController componentNameKey] , nil];
258  NSDictionary *editParameterDictionary = [delegate selectedParameterList];
259  if (editParameterDictionary && ([editParameterDictionary count] > 0)) {
260  [self specializePickerView:editParameterDictionary];
261  } else {
262  [self specializePickerView:tryThisDict];
263  }
264  }
265  break;
266  }
267  CGRect pickerFrame = CGRectMake(2.0, 2.0, bound.size.width - 4.0, newParameterPickerHeight);
268  [newParameterPicker setFrame:pickerFrame];
269  [newParameterPicker showsSelectionIndicator];
270 }
float newParameterPickerHeight
id< U7ParamEditControlDelegate > delegate

◆ establishPick:()

- (void) establishPick: (NSInteger)  row

this method takes the name of the selected nutrition parameter and uses it as a key to get the component amount specification. With the specification, its sets the current value in the picker, and informs the delegate tht it should show options to use the picker settting, or cancel the picker operation.

Definition at line 468 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

468  : (NSInteger)row
469 {
470  NSString *pickedCaption = [self stringForPickerRow:row];
471  NSInteger valueComponentIndex = 1;
472  [newParameterPicker reloadComponent:valueComponentIndex];
473  valueComponentIndex = 2;
474  [newParameterPicker reloadComponent:valueComponentIndex];
475  valueComponentIndex = 3;
476  [newParameterPicker reloadComponent:valueComponentIndex];
477  valueComponentIndex = 4;
478  [newParameterPicker reloadComponent:valueComponentIndex];
480  newComponentSpecDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:pickedCaption, [Z5LocalDataController componentNameKey], nil];
482  // TODO [editControlbarView showPickOptions];
484  pickQuantityType = [HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:[[[[Z5DataController sharedInstance] localDataController] availableNutritionParamArray] objectAtIndex:row]];
485  pickQuantityUnit = [self unitForQuantityType:pickQuantityType];
486  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.didSelectRow: pickQuantityUnit: %@", pickQuantityUnit);
488 }
instancetype sharedInstance()
NSMutableDictionary * newComponentSpecDict
Singleton interface to both core and remote data sources.
HKQuantityType * pickQuantityType

◆ heightRequirement()

- (float) heightRequirement

Definition at line 230 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

231 {
232  return newParameterPickerHeight + 4;
233 }
float newParameterPickerHeight

◆ initializeSelection()

- (void) initializeSelection

After the value-editor has been used, it returns to what it was editting when it specializes for the next entry, this is an attempt to initiaizes the thing after it has been used.

Definition at line 103 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

104 {
106 }
Boolean editParameterSelected

◆ initWithDelegate:()

- (instancetype) initWithDelegate: (id<Z6ParamValueEditDelegate>)  dele

This method sets the delegate and fills the object with method 'originate', which creates the frame for the picker, and adds the picker to the view.

Definition at line 44 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

44  : (id<Z6ParamValueEditDelegate>) dele {
45  self = [super init];
46  if (self) {
47  delegate = dele;
48  [self originate];
49  }
50  return self;
51 }
id< U7ParamEditControlDelegate > delegate

◆ isListedAlready:()

- (NSInteger) isListedAlready: (NSString *)  pickedCaption

Definition at line 395 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

395  : (NSString *)pickedCaption
396 {
397  NSInteger ret = -1;
398  int parameterIndex = 0;
399  for (NSDictionary *item in nutritionComponents) {
400  NSString *componentType = [item objectForKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentNameKey]];
401  NSString *compoTypeClass = NSStringFromClass([componentType class]);
403  if ([compoTypeClass isEqualToString:@"NSTaggedPointerString"]) {
404  //U7UsdaParamEntryViewController.m:690:45: Use of undeclared identifier 'NSTaggedPointerString', even with UIKit.
405  // NSTaggedPointerString *tpStr = (NSTaggedPointerString *)componentType;
406  if ([componentType isEqualToString:pickedCaption]) {
407  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.isListedAlready: UNEXPECTED: %@", componentType);
408  ret = parameterIndex;
409  }
410  break;
411  } else if (![compoTypeClass isEqualToString:@"NSString"]) {
412  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.isListedAlready: odd-bal compo-class: %@", compoTypeClass);
413  } else if ([componentType isEqualToString:pickedCaption]) {
414  // if component is listed, eventually set the picker view
415  // to the quantity-sample data
416  ret = parameterIndex;
417  break;
418  }
419  parameterIndex++;
420  }
421  return ret;
422 }
NSMutableArray * nutritionComponents

◆ numberOfComponentsInPickerView:()

- (NSInteger) numberOfComponentsInPickerView: (UIPickerView *)  pickerView

Definition at line 538 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

538  :(UIPickerView *)pickerView
539 {
540  NSInteger ret = 0;
541  if ( editParameterSelected ) {
542  ret = 5;
543  } else {
544  ret = 1;
545  }
546  return ret;
547 }
Boolean editParameterSelected

◆ originate()

- (void) originate

Definition at line 52 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

53 {
54  // [self setBackgroundColor:[UIColor cyanColor]];
56  sideMarginWidth = 2.0;
57  topOfPickerFrame= 2.0;
62  pickerWheel4Titles = nil;
63  massUnitsArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"ug", @"mg", @"g", @"kg", nil];
64  energyUnitsArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"cal", @"kcal", nil];
66  CGRect totalFrame = delegate.screenBound;
67  featuresWidth = 260;
68  // newParameterPickerHeight = totalFrame.size.height * 0.20 ;
69  featuresWidth = totalFrame.size.width - 4.0;
71  CGRect newParameterFrame = CGRectMake(2.0, 2.0, 400.0, 350.0);
72  newParameterPicker = [[UIPickerView alloc] initWithFrame:newParameterFrame];
73  [newParameterPicker setDelegate:self];
74  [newParameterPicker setDataSource:self];
75  [newParameterPicker setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:0.76 alpha:1.0]];
76  [self addSubview:newParameterPicker];
77 }
NSMutableArray * pickerWheel4Titles
float newParameterPickerHeight
Boolean editParameterSelected
float featuresWidth
float topOfPickerFrame
NSArray * massUnitsArray
id< U7ParamEditControlDelegate > delegate
NSArray * energyUnitsArray
float sideMarginWidth
CGRect newParameterPickerFrame
NSInteger editNutritionParameter
UIPickerView * newParameterPicker

◆ originateParameter()

- (NSDictionary *) originateParameter

Definition at line 204 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

205 {
206  HKQuantity *acceptQuantity = [self produceQuantityValue];
207  [newComponentSpecDict setObject:acceptQuantity forKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentValueKey]];
209  //
210  // HKQuantityType *acceptedQuantityType = [HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietarySodium];
211  // [acceptedQuantityType.canonicalUnit]
213  NSDate *now = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0];
214  HKQuantitySample *acceptedSample = [HKQuantitySample quantitySampleWithType:pickQuantityType
215  quantity:acceptQuantity
216  startDate:now
217  endDate:now];
218  [newComponentSpecDict setObject:acceptedSample forKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentSampleKey]];
220  Z5LocalDataController *localData = [[Z5DataController sharedInstance] localDataController];
221  NSNumber *typeAuthorization = [localData checkTypeAuthorization:pickQuantityType];
222  [newComponentSpecDict setObject:typeAuthorization forKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentAuthorityKey]];
223  return newComponentSpecDict;
224 }
instancetype sharedInstance()
NSMutableDictionary * newComponentSpecDict
NSNumber * checkTypeAuthorization:(HKQuantityType *quantityType)
Singleton interface to both core and remote data sources.

◆ pickerView:attributedTitleForRow:forComponent:()

- (NSAttributedString *) pickerView: (UIPickerView *)  pickerView
attributedTitleForRow: (NSInteger)  row
forComponent: (NSInteger)  component 

Definition at line 319 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

319  :(UIPickerView *)pickerView
320  attributedTitleForRow:(NSInteger)row
321  forComponent:(NSInteger)component
322 {
323  NSString *ret;
325  if (0 == component) {
326  ret = [self stringForPickerRow:row];
327  // NSLog(@"/Z6ParamValueEditView.titleForRow: %ld: %@", row, ret);
328  } else if (1 == component) {
329  ret = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)row];
330  } else if (2 == component) {
331  ret = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)row];
332  } else if (3 == component) {
333  ret = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)row];
334  } else if (4 == component) {
335  // ret = [self parameterDimensionForRow:row];
336  if ([pickerWheel4Titles count] > row) {
337  ret = [pickerWheel4Titles objectAtIndex:row];
338  } else {
339  ret = @"w?5";
340  }
341  } else {
342  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.titleForRow: unknown component: %ld", (long)component);
343  }
345  UIFont *herefont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Bold" size:16];
346  NSDictionary *attribs = @{
347  NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor blackColor],
348  NSFontAttributeName: herefont
349  };
350  NSMutableAttributedString *attributedText =
351  [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:ret
352  attributes:attribs];
353  return attributedText;
354 }
NSMutableArray * pickerWheel4Titles

◆ pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent:()

- (void) pickerView: (UIPickerView *)  pickerView
didSelectRow: (NSInteger)  row
inComponent: (NSInteger)  component 

Definition at line 489 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

489  :(UIPickerView *)pickerView
490  didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row
491  inComponent:(NSInteger)component
492 {
493  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.didSelectPickerRow: component: %ld", (long)component);
494  newParameterIndex = row;
495  switch (component) {
496  case 0:
497  {
498  // set the HKQuantityType with result
499  NSString *pickedCaption = [self stringForPickerRow:row];
500  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.didSelectPickerRow: %ld %@", (long)row, pickedCaption);
501  int parameterIndex = (int)[self isListedAlready:pickedCaption];
502  // see if the quantity-type is already listed
503  if (0 <= parameterIndex) {
504  // TODO set scrolling
505  // NSIndexPath *paramComponentPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:parameterIndex inSection:0];
506  // [parameterTableView selectRowAtIndexPath:paramComponentPath animated:YES scrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle];
507  // NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.didSelectPickerRow: picking component row: %d", parameterIndex);
508  } else {
509  // if processing reaches this point, quantity-type not listed
510  if (editParameterSelected ) {
511  [self establishPick:row];
512  [self setupDimensionWheel];
513  } else {
515  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.didSelectRow: reload all components at pick");
516  [pickerView reloadAllComponents];
517  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.didSelectRow: END -- reload all components at pick");
518  }
520  }
521  }
523  break;
524  case 1:
525  case 2:
526  case 3:
527  case 4:
528  {
529  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.didSelectRow: component: %ld", (long)component);
530  }
531  break;
532  default:
533  break;
534  }
535 }
Boolean editParameterSelected
NSInteger newParameterIndex
NSInteger editNutritionParameter

◆ pickerView:numberOfRowsInComponent:()

- (NSInteger) pickerView: (UIPickerView *)  pickerView
numberOfRowsInComponent: (NSInteger)  component 

Definition at line 548 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

548  :(UIPickerView *)pickerView
549 numberOfRowsInComponent:(NSInteger)component
550 {
551  NSInteger ret = 0;
552  switch(component) {
553  case 0:
554  {
555  NSArray<HKQuantityType *> *typesApprovedToWrite = [[[Z5DataController sharedInstance] localDataController] allHkTypes];
556  ret = [typesApprovedToWrite count];
557  }
558  break;
559  case 1:
560  case 2:
561  case 3:
562  {
563  if ( !editParameterSelected ) {
564  ret = 0;
565  } else {
566  ret = 10;
567  }
568  }
569  break;
571  case 4:
572  {
573  if ( !editParameterSelected ) {
574  ret = 0;
575  } else {
576  if (pickQuantityType) {
577  HKUnit *massUnit = [HKUnit unitFromString:@"g"];
578  HKUnit *energyUnit = [HKUnit unitFromString:@"cal"];
579  if ([pickQuantityType isCompatibleWithUnit:massUnit]) {
580  ret = 4;
581  } else if ([pickQuantityType isCompatibleWithUnit:energyUnit]) {
582  ret = 2;
583  }
584  } else {
585  ret = 4;
586  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.numberOfRowsInComponent: NULL pickQuantityType");
587  }
588  }
589  }
590  break;
592  default:
593  ret = 0;
594  }
595  return ret;
596 }
Boolean editParameterSelected
instancetype sharedInstance()
Singleton interface to both core and remote data sources.
HKQuantityType * pickQuantityType

◆ pickerView:rowHeightForComponent:()

- (CGFloat) pickerView: (UIPickerView *)  pickerView
rowHeightForComponent: (NSInteger)  component 

the picker view is an

Definition at line 276 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

276  :(UIPickerView *)pickerView
277 rowHeightForComponent:(NSInteger)component
278 {
279  CGFloat ret;
280  ret = 30.0;
281  return ret;
282 }

◆ pickerView:viewForRow:forComponent:reusingView:()

- (UIView *) pickerView: (UIPickerView *)  pickerView
viewForRow: (NSInteger)  row
forComponent: (NSInteger)  component
reusingView: (UIView *)  view 

Definition at line 355 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

355  :(UIPickerView *)pickerView viewForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component reusingView:(UIView *)view
356 {
357  // create attributed string
358  NSString *ret;
360  if (0 == component) {
361  ret = [self stringForPickerRow:row];
362  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.titleForRow: %ld: %@", (long)row, ret);
363  } else if (1 == component) {
364  ret = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)row];
365  } else if (2 == component) {
366  ret = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)row];
367  } else if (3 == component) {
368  ret = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%ld", (long)row];
369  } else if (4 == component) {
370  // ret = [self parameterDimensionForRow:row];
371  if ([pickerWheel4Titles count] > row) {
372  ret = [pickerWheel4Titles objectAtIndex:row];
373  } else {
374  ret = @"x?v";
375  }
376  } else {
377  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.titleForRow: unknown component: %ld", (long)component);
378  }
380  UIFont *herefont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Bold" size:20];
381  NSDictionary *attribs = @{
382  NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor blackColor],
383  NSFontAttributeName: herefont
384  };
385  NSAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:ret attributes:attribs];
387  // add the string to a label's attributedText property
388  UILabel *labelView = [[UILabel alloc] init];
389  [labelView setTextAlignment:NSTextAlignmentCenter];
390  labelView.attributedText = attributedString;
392  // return the label
393  return labelView;
394 }
NSMutableArray * pickerWheel4Titles

◆ pickerView:widthForComponent:()

- (CGFloat) pickerView: (UIPickerView *)  pickerView
widthForComponent: (NSInteger)  component 

Definition at line 286 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

286  :(UIPickerView *)pickerView widthForComponent:(NSInteger)component
287 {
288  CGFloat ret;
289  switch (component) {
290  case 0:
291  {
292  if ( editParameterSelected ) {
293  ret = 100.0;
294  } else {
295  ret = 300;
296  }
297  }
298  break;
300  case 1:
301  case 2:
302  case 3:
303  ret = 22.0;
304  break;
306  case 4:
307  ret = 70.0f;
308  break;
310  default:
311  ret=0;
312  break;
313  }
315  // NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.widthForComponent: %3.2f", ret);
316  return ret;
317 }
Boolean editParameterSelected

◆ pickQuantityType()

- (HKQuantityType *) pickQuantityType

Definition at line 29 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

◆ pickQuantityUnit()

- (HKUnit *) pickQuantityUnit

Definition at line 30 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

◆ produceQuantityValue()

- (HKQuantity *) produceQuantityValue

Definition at line 164 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

165 {
166  // amount
167  NSInteger hundreds = [newParameterPicker selectedRowInComponent:1];
168  NSInteger tens = [newParameterPicker selectedRowInComponent:2];
169  NSInteger ones = [newParameterPicker selectedRowInComponent:3];
170  double inputValue = 100*hundreds + 10*tens + ones;
171  double nutritionAmount = inputValue; // = pickerValue;
172  // END -- amount
174  // units
175  NSUInteger unitIndex = [newParameterPicker selectedRowInComponent:4];
176  // NSString *units = [pickerWheel4Titles objectAtIndex:unitIndex];
177  HKUnit *massUnit = [HKUnit unitFromString:@"g"];
178  HKUnit *energyUnit = [HKUnit unitFromString:@"cal"];
179  HKMetricPrefix metricPrefix;
180  HKQuantity *acceptQuantity;
181  if ([pickQuantityType isCompatibleWithUnit:massUnit]) {
182  metricPrefix = massUnitsMetricPrefixArray[unitIndex];
183  HKUnit *prefixGramUnit = [HKUnit gramUnitWithMetricPrefix:metricPrefix];
184  acceptQuantity = [HKQuantity quantityWithUnit:prefixGramUnit doubleValue:nutritionAmount];
185  } else if ([pickQuantityType isCompatibleWithUnit:energyUnit]) {
186  switch(unitIndex) {
187  case 0:
188  acceptQuantity = [HKQuantity quantityWithUnit:[HKUnit calorieUnit] doubleValue:nutritionAmount];
189  break;
190  case 1:
191  acceptQuantity = [HKQuantity quantityWithUnit:[HKUnit calorieUnit] doubleValue:nutritionAmount];
192  break;
193  }
194  }
195  // END -- units
197  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.clickAcceptButton: quantity: %@", acceptQuantity);
198  return acceptQuantity;
199 }
int massUnitsMetricPrefixArray[]
HKQuantityType * pickQuantityType

◆ setPickerType:scalar:andUnit:()

- (void) setPickerType: (HKQuantityType*)  quanType
scalar: (int)  scalar
andUnit: (NSString *)  unit 

Definition at line 601 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

601  :(HKQuantityType* )quanType scalar:(int)scalar andUnit:(NSString *)unit
602 {
603  NSArray *types = [[[Z5DataController sharedInstance] localDataController] availableNutritionParamArray];
604  int row = 0;
605  for (NSString *type in types) {
606  if ([type isEqualToString:[quanType description]]) {
607  // [newParameterPicker selectRow:row inComponent:0 animated:YES];
608  break;
609  }
610  row++;
611  }
613  int hundreds = scalar / 100;
614  int tens = (scalar - (100*hundreds)) / 10;
615  int ones = scalar - (100*hundreds) - (10*tens);
617  [newParameterPicker selectRow:hundreds inComponent:1 animated:YES];
618  [newParameterPicker selectRow:tens inComponent:2 animated:YES];
619  [newParameterPicker selectRow:ones inComponent:3 animated:YES];
620  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.setPickerType");
621 }
instancetype sharedInstance()
Singleton interface to both core and remote data sources.

◆ setupDimensionWheel()

- (void) setupDimensionWheel

this will set up the wheel to provide a choice of metric measures, eg. kilogram, gram, milligram, microgram would be choices for a weight. picker will fetch the strings at 'titleForRow:forComponent', during a refresh, we set them up here

Definition at line 430 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

431 {
432  // [newParameterPicker selectRow:row inComponent:4 animated:YES];
434  pickerWheel4Titles = nil;
436  HKUnit *massUnit = [HKUnit unitFromString:@"g"];
437  HKUnit *energyUnit = [HKUnit unitFromString:@"cal"];
438  if ([pickQuantityType isCompatibleWithUnit:massUnit]) {
439  pickerWheel4Titles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:massUnitsArray];
440  } else if ([pickQuantityType isCompatibleWithUnit:energyUnit]) {
441  pickerWheel4Titles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:energyUnitsArray];
442  }
443  }
444  NSLog(@"Z6ParamValueEditView.setupDimensionWheel: count: %ld", (long)[pickerWheel4Titles count]);
445 }
NSMutableArray * pickerWheel4Titles
HKQuantityType * pickQuantityType

◆ showPickerViewNot:()

- (void) showPickerViewNot: (Boolean)  flag

From the working version: set the picker in global-USDAscreen coordinates to be 20% of the screen height. Other bounds set typically. Lazy instantiation - if the class var is nil, a picker is created with the frame, the delegate data source, and backgound color are set, and the view is added to the screen view. Adaption to factored views: picker frame is (sideMargin, topMargin, featureWid, 160.0)

Definition at line 87 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

87  : (Boolean) flag
88 {
89  UIColor *okGreen = [UIColor colorWithHue:0.345
90  saturation:1.0
91  brightness:0.7
92  alpha:1.0];
93  [newParameterPicker setBackgroundColor:okGreen];
94  // [newParameterPicker setDataSource:self];
95  // [newParameterPicker setDelegate:self];
97  [newParameterPicker setHidden:!flag];
98 }

◆ specializePickerView:()

- (void) specializePickerView: (NSDictionary *)  editSource

Definition at line 110 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

110  : (NSDictionary *) editSource
111 {
112  NSLog(@"ParameterValueEditView.specializePickerView: editSource: %@", editSource);
115  // at this point, get the index of the name match, and set 'newParameterIndex'
116  NSString *incomingName = [editSource objectForKey:@"component-type"];
117  for (NSInteger parameterCardinal = 0; parameterCardinal<39; parameterCardinal++) {
118  NSString *entryName = [self stringForPickerRow:parameterCardinal];
119  if ([entryName isEqualToString:incomingName]) {
120  newParameterIndex = parameterCardinal;
121  break;
122  }
123  }
125  if ( !editParameterSelected ) {
126  editParameterSelected = YES;
127  [newParameterPicker reloadAllComponents];
128  // i must set pickQuantityType and picQuantityUnit here
129  [self establishPick:newParameterIndex];
130  [newParameterPicker selectRow:newParameterIndex inComponent:0 animated:YES];
132  [self setupDimensionWheel];
133  }
135  [self showPickerViewNot:YES];
137  NSString *caption = [editSource objectForKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentNameKey]];
138  HKQuantityType *rowQuantityType = [HKObjectType quantityTypeForIdentifier:[@"HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDietary"
139  stringByAppendingString:caption]];
141  HKQuantity *componentQuanValue = [editSource objectForKey:[Z5LocalDataController componentValueKey]];
142  NSString *valueCaption = [componentQuanValue description];
143  NSArray<NSString *> *pieces = [valueCaption componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
144  HKUnit *hkUnit = nil;
145  float quantityScalar = [pieces[0] floatValue];
146  if ([@"mcg" isEqualToString:pieces[1]]) {
147  HKMetricPrefix microPrefix = HKMetricPrefixMicro;
148  hkUnit = [HKUnit gramUnitWithMetricPrefix:microPrefix];
149  } else if ([@"mg" isEqualToString:pieces[1]]) {
150  HKMetricPrefix milliPrefix = HKMetricPrefixMilli;
151  hkUnit = [HKUnit gramUnitWithMetricPrefix:milliPrefix];
152  }
153  // HKQuantity *hkQuantity = [HKQuantity quantityWithUnit:hkUnit doubleValue:quantityScalar];
155  // [self setPickerType:rowQuantityType andQuantity:hkQuantity];
156  int intScalar = (int)quantityScalar;
157  [self setPickerType:rowQuantityType scalar:intScalar andUnit:pieces[1]];
159 }
Boolean editParameterSelected
NSInteger newParameterIndex

◆ stringForPickerRow:()

- (NSString *) stringForPickerRow: (NSInteger)  row

Definition at line 624 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

624  : (NSInteger) row
625 {
626  NSString *ret;
627  NSArray<HKQuantityType *> *typesApprovedToWrite = [[[Z5DataController sharedInstance] localDataController] allHkTypes];
628  if ([typesApprovedToWrite count] > row) {
629  HKQuantityType *hkQtype = [typesApprovedToWrite objectAtIndex:row];
630  ret = [[hkQtype description] substringFromIndex:31];
631  } else {
632  ret = @"error?";
633  }
634  return ret;
635 }
instancetype sharedInstance()
Singleton interface to both core and remote data sources.

◆ unitForQuantityType:()

- (HKUnit *) unitForQuantityType: (HKQuantityType *)  quantityType

Definition at line 446 of file Z6ParamValueEditView.m.

446  : (HKQuantityType *)quantityType
447 {
448  // for each unit type, is it compatible with input?
449  HKUnit *ret = nil;
450  NSArray<HKUnit *> *unitsAvailable = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: [HKUnit gramUnit],
451  [HKUnit meterUnit], [HKUnit literUnit], [HKUnit pascalUnit], [HKUnit secondUnit],
452  [HKUnit jouleUnit] , [HKUnit degreeCelsiusUnit], [HKUnit siemenUnit], nil];
453  for (HKUnit *u in unitsAvailable) {
454  if ([quantityType isCompatibleWithUnit:u]) {
455  ret = u;
456  break;
457  }
458  }
459  return ret;
460 }

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